Friday, February 13, 2015

The Bunker is gone

Suddenly yesterday, the Bunker disappeared from the dial. There is a faint 98.9 in the background now, but it's probably a station from about 200 miles to the south. I guess it was only a transmission test.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Radio Log: The Bunker

I was twirling knobs on my FM tuner last night (something I almost do absent-mindedly) and stumbled upon something new on the dial for my mid-Missouri location: 98.9 "The Bunker." They were coming in quite strong so I began to suspect e-skip. Unfortunately, the rest of the band did nothing to support this idea. I found their website and the one mention of their location is the cryptic phrase "South County." This could mean south St Louis County. There's nothing in the FCC database for that frequency that makes any sense, so this station must have gone on air very recently. They may not be 100% ready for prime time since I was receiving only the right channel(!). It's not unheard of to get St. Louis media here, about 120 miles away; it is unusual to get such a strong signal. I'm going to have to listen for this one again tonight to see if last night was a fluke.

What's Playing?

I can't get the widget at top right to do what I want- but just thought i'd share the place where you can check out what's playing.

I'm still putting together Podcast One- had to stop for several months so I could focus on a class. But I am back hard at work on it. All recorded output will be upped to our Soundcloud account, Decaf Chai Sun Tea.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Radio Log: Mexican CB Chatter

I recorded this February, 2015, around 1750 (late morning, local time). I was headed up to the 10 meter band to listen to the CB channels when I heard these guys on three different frequencies outside of the established frequencies. Often called "freebanders" because they operate outside the edges of established amateur radio bands, the chatter flies loose and there are frequent pile-ups- broadcasters with increasingly outlandish (in the US it would be illegal) power radiating out of their small portable transceivers, trying to drown one another out. There are some peculiar audio effects of pushing it to the limit like this- whistles, tones, echo, feedback just barely under control. All it make for pretty fascinating listening. Since I don't speak Spanish I don't know what they are saying, though even I know enough to realize a guy is saying "where are my friends?" at one point. Still they weave a fascinating sonic tapestry which can be appreciated all on its own.